Monday, July 14, 2014

You Can Do It

I have to admit.. This song was never really one of my favorites. That's not to say it isn't a decent song.. Just that when I became a fan of Ice Cube's music.. Let's just say he wasn't making party songs.. As a matter of fact, as far as party songs go.. You Can Do It is sure to keep people in the club dancing.

Regardless of my personal feelings about this song.. It does have a pretty catchy title and there's a line in Ice Cube's first verse that has always resonated with me, over the years..

Life ain't a track meet.. It's a Marathon..

That seemingly simple, nondescript, one-liner reminds me that everything in life is a journey. So many times in my life I felt like I was in a mad dash for the finish line.. So many times I felt like the pressures of life were becoming too much for me to handle, but.. as soon as I could accomplish ONE thing.. that EVERYTHING.. would automatically just fall back into place. My thoughts were, basically, that all my concerns, in life would seemingly evaporate is I could only manage to.. Lose weight.. Get a better job.. Win the lottery.. Attract a hotter girlfriend..

In the end, it always seems to come back to those lyrics.. No matter what trials I may be going through.. Whatever short-term success (or failure) I may be experiencing.. It's all just another stretch of road on the "Marathon" that is Life.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Big Bang Theories?

Not to be confused with the popular TV show.. or the "beginning of creation" thing.. the title of this post is a reference to a much more pressing matter.. Friends With Benefits!

Many many years ago.. During one of my, "Sheldon" moments.. I came up with a very logical.. well calculated.. peer reviewed.. list of ALL the reasons a close female friend of mine should have sex with me.

Ok, I guess I need to explain it a little less creepy..

Friday, July 4, 2014

Move the Ball…

I'm just coming off a rough couple of days.. "Rough" in the sense that I was really out of my element.. Really unsure of myself.. REALLY not good.. But, what can I say? All's well that ends well.. Right? So, in light of my rebound from somewhat of a "dark" period let us celebrate the lessons that have come from this bullsh*t..

First of all, sometime over the last couple days I found this article.. 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself.. I mean, so far I've only gotten to number five, but by then I already had five new things I needed to be working on.. I'm assuming the other twenty-five are equally worthwhile.

Second, I realize that we must face challenges every day we spend on this Earth. That being the case, all we can do is work through every challenge, individually.. and take away as many lessons as we can. Also, realize that as you become better at handling these daily challenges.. that every day will become more challenging.

Finally, I understand that it all comes down to the title of this post.. I figure that any day I make forward progress in ANY way.. will be considered a "good" day.. no matter how sh*tty I feel.