Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Is Pesh Crazy???

I've been dealing with some issues, lately.. I feel like "The Box" has come back with a vengeance. The funny thing is that trying to live inside the box feels most normal.. most familiar.. But eventually some aspect of that "..in the box-life" has me feeling like Michael Douglas in Falling Down..

I guess what I'm trying to say is that "The Box" is not all bad.. I mean it gives me a chance to connect with people.. My family.. and friends.. and the rest of the small percentage of "Box Dwellers" I can still tolerate.. But seriously, after living my whole life in a world full of people who are being told what to do, how to live, and how to think.. and realizing that I don't want to be part of that population anymore.. I need to understand that almost everything I do.. every thought I have.. everything that my life represents, from now on.. Will be different from that of nearly every person I know, have known, or will know.. This sounds very lonely to me.. Last year, the thought of that loneliness was nearly crippling.. Today, it seems like living a life that is essentially "alone" ..does not have to be "lonely". The more I think about it, I am surrounded by people, at all times.. So how can I every really be "lonely"? I just need to understand that the boundaries of "The Box" are very real and that I won't be able to stretch very far outside whatever "Box" I have allowed someone to place me in.. When and if it ever becomes necessary to change "boxes", possibly to move up to a higher "box", I need to remember that I will always be measured according to the first "box" I came in..

Anyway, to answer my original question.. "Is Pesh Crazy?" ..All I can say is that trying to live inside the box.. while it made more sense, and seemed more familiar.. Seemed totally crazy to me. At the same time, I feel like any attempt to explain how and why I plan to live "outside-the-box" would most certainly land me a stay in a padded room.. I don't know.. Seems like I'd have to be "crazy" to follow either path.. but that's just me..

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why I read a book a day (and why you should too): The Law of 33% | Tai L...

Reality Show Spin?

The other day, I posted something about how I was thinking about doing a reality show.. Basically the idea was that I, and a couple friends are making music and hustling in Atlanta.. Part of the show was going focus on me trying to right some of my past wrongs by reconciling with people.. mostly female, where things, somehow went wrong in the past.

After writing that post, I pretty much scrapped the idea because it felt really self serving.. It felt like if I really did try to contact all these females.. females who very well could have long forgotten me and whatever wrong I did to them.. and just stir up some old shhh.. All of this is an effort to heal myself, somehow.. But what does the female get out of it? Here she is living some nice, happy life.. and I come, from out of nowhere, and bring up some unpleasant topics???

Even the chance of something like that happening was reason enough to scrap the whole project.. Today, however, I experienced something interesting. There I was.. chilling, listening to dubstep, and it occurred to me how much I've always wanted to experiment with incorporating some dubstep-type elements into my music.. That led to an idea of doing a DJ Shadow -type album, with dubstep influences.. that tells the story of all those females I wanted to reconcile with.. I figured I would even name each song after the female who inspired it.. and then catalog them together under some "Growth Through Heartbreak.." concept.

Ok, so how does that idea sound?

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Challenge Issued.. Challenge Accepted!

In effort to be more socially inclined.. Tonight I issue a verbal challenge, to myself.. To tell someone how much their, "..smile has brightened my day!" I will do this on Sunday, while I'm at work.. More to follow!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Goodbye Car Payment...

I've been studying a lot of Dave Ramsey, lately. So far he has me absolutely convinced that a person can ride in comfort and style, without having to commit to a car payment every month..

This morning I stumbled upon this article.. 10 Best Used Cars Under $8000, on KBB.com.. So far I'm really liking the Mazda, the Civic, and the Prius.. I'm not sure when I'll be in the market for a new car, but, In the very least, now I know how much to save up when I do start looking..

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My Friend Karen

I've always wanted to learn how to draw. I had a thought a while back that learning how to draw would be a good way to tap into some "creative-energy-reserve" whenever the tank was running low. Anyway, early last year I decided to enroll in a free art class given at the local library..

I entered the classroom and the first thing I noticed was that, although it was bright and sunny outside.. the classroom was noticeably dim.. it wouldn't be a stretch to say it seemed as though the room was being lit by some sort of 13th century wooden chandelier. There was low and soothing classical music playing at just the right volume.

As I took in the ambiance, I was instructed to take a piece of printer paper off one of the strategically placed piles on tables around the room and.. Draw Something..

Anyway, that was the day I met Karen. Since then she has been a great source of inspiration in my life.. encouraging me to draw and giving me the confidence to start my first blog.. This blog. On that note I would like to dedicate the drawing above, my first published drawing, to my friend Karen. The drawing, in case you were wondering, is of a Kim Kardashian photo that was also the inspiration behind something that Karen posted the other day on her blog.

The Pesh Reality Show?

Had a crazy thought today.. Would anybody tune-in and watch a reality show about.. none other than yours truly??? I told you it was "crazy".. Anyway, this came to me, today on my way back from Atlanta.. Ok, so the show is about me, an aspiring entrepreneur, working hard to make a better life for himself and have a positive impact on his environment..

So our main character, Pesh, is going through a transition in his life.. he has recently had an epiphany that has impacted every aspect of his life. As he learns more about himself, and his place in the world, the more he wants to have a positive impact on everything he touches.

When the show opens, Pesh tries to convince a pair of musician/creatives, who operate a music studio in Atlanta, to help him start a blog where he will attempt to "right" several of his past "wrongs" that he feels may be stopping him from reaching his true potential, as a person, but more importantly.. as an entrepreneur.

Each episode will show Pesh, and his two friends, as they beg, borrow, and deal, trying to make a living as entrepreneur/musicians, in Atlanta.

Each episode will also detail an event of Pesh's life where he attempts to "right" something from the past.. The audience will watch as he attempts to reconcile his relationships with: his first girlfriend, former fiance, and someone he wrote a horrible song about.. Another female was a former-friend-turned-rebound-chick.. One chick was a one-night-stand.. One was a threesome.. One was a "jumpoff".. Then there was the nympho-maniac.. The married chick.. The other married chick.. The one who wrote him from prison.. The one who took his virginity.. The one he stole.. back, from his best friend.. The former stripper.. and in the season finale.. His ex-wife..

So what do you think.. Would anybody watch a show like that?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Pesh, Lies, and Videotape...

I was thinking about an old friend today. Somehow she found me on goodreads.com, the other day, and since then we've exchanged a few messages.. You know, the usual, hey what's up? how you been? yada, yada. Anyway, today I found myself thinking about her while I was on ebay, shopping for a new camera.

Looking at cameras reminded me of how much Kayla used to be into photography. Some of the pictures she used to send me.. I remember one of her wearing a football jersey and a pair of boxing gloves.. and not much else... Damn, that had to be ten years ago, she sent those pics and the memory of them still gives me a chub to this day... Although, somehow I doubt looking at the actual pictures would have the same effect.. I mean a half-nekkid-beautiful-girl, otherwise known as an HNBG, is good to look at anytime.. I mean, seriously, the more the better.. Only problem is that things are different now, than they were ten years ago..

See back in the day.. nudity was scarce.. it was hidden.. it was taboo and edgy.. I can picture myself opening that email and feeling like I was a certified P.I.M.P., only problem while my mind pictured me pimpin' like Goldie, I was actually looking more like DeeJay from Hustle and Flow.. Anyway, now-a-days I get eye-raped at least six times before I finish my coffee. Somehow, it seems difficult for me to imagine a beautiful Puerto Rican mami wearing a football jersey and boxing gloves would have much effect when I have access to every celebrity vagina in the world, no further than my iPhone.

If I were to receive that email today you can bet that I wouldn't even see the beauty of it.. I'd spend more time trying to figure out what the f#%k football had to do with boxing gloves than looking what was really important..