Tuesday, June 17, 2014

30 Days and a Wake-Up

To tell you the truth, I'm not really familiar with the "Wake Up & Be Awesome.." challenge. When I thought about this post I was researching a new project and needed some guidance on jail sentencing.. but THAT's neither here nor there.. What's really important is that I stumbled upon that picture, which I'm guessing, is from How I Met Your Mother?? Anyway, the photo reminded me of an old Katt Williams routine...

So much can be taken away from that short clip.. but right now I wanna focus on the part about lying to yourself. While it seems like this concept might go against everything you've been taught.. about lying.. about LOVING who you ARE.. and being content with what you HAVE.. I say we CHALLENGE conventional wisdom.. and for the next 30 Days.. stare in the mirror, every morning, and tell the most egregious lies we can think of... Now in the wise words of Jerry Maguire.. Who's coming with me???

Damn, dude.. Did you lose weight? I thought I was looking at a shirtless Tyrese Gibson...

Why don't you go holler at that hot girl at the vet's office...

Maybe take her to Hawaii.. on your brand new Harley???

1 comment:

  1. I love the Katt clip. I love Katt. Tonight, my co-worker and I were saying how we would NEVER be as mean to others (or as critical of them) as we are to ourselves. But then, we are sensitive people, who are kind to others and learned to "self-flagellate." Was it our "Religious" upbringings" Who taught us to hate and constantly criticize ourselves? Oh, I LOVE taking the hottie over the freakin' ocean to Hawaii on your Harley!! Do it! You ride on water, MAN! Peace and love and LIES! ~krgb
