Tuesday, June 17, 2014

If You Build It.. Yada, Yada...

First of all, let me come clean by saying that I've never seen "Field of Dreams".. I do, however, believe that I have a pretty good understanding of the movie.. and that video clip, pretty much sums it up...

All that being said, let me now expand on how much a movie I've never seen.. has changed my life.

"If you build it, they will come..." ..or as I see it.. "THEN, they will come..." Which means that whatever you're working on must be "built" before you can expect anyone to come. W What I've learned is that if there's something you're passionate about all you can do is START BUILDING and worry about whether, "..they come" at a later date.

"If YOU build it.." Tells me that YOU must be prepared to build .....For many years I was paralyzed (..and pissed-off) by the fact that I could never gain any REAL support for any of my ideas. Everyone I spoke to would listen intently.. agree that it was a great idea.. and then, Do Nothing.. which would discourage me into doing nothing, either.

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