Monday, June 9, 2014

Why Can't We Be Friends?

A few years ago, I lost a very dear friend, while on deployment in Iraq.. But before you pull out the hymnal and start looking for liquor to pour out.. Let me explain...

When I say "lost" I don't mean it in the literal sense that anyone lost their life.. What I mean to say is that she dropped me like a crack habit in court-ordered rehab.. This happened at a time, in my life, where every couple of minutes I was reminded to Thank God for giving insurgents terrible eye-sight (and/or math skills??) ..because for every time I heard the "INCOMING..." alarm.. I rarely heard the EXPLOSION that might have accompanied it. I guess I should also thank the engineers who built and installed the automated defense system.. while I'm in a cheerful mood...

Anyway, what had happened was.. My very dear, FORMER, friend had gotten into an argument with her husband.. at which time Hubby made a feeble attempt at gaining tactical advantage by announcing, "..Oh Yea? Well.. well at least I'M not still friends with 'old boyfriends' on Facebook..."

Ah, Yes.. The old, "Old-Boyfriend (Girlfriend) Friend on Facebook Strategy" strikes again!!! Quick fact: This strategy has been employed so many times, in so many different circumstances, that it was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in Economics for "single-handedly" raising the collective confidence-level of confused-cowards across the globe.*

In all honesty, I totally understand the efforts of anyone forced to modify their social habits, in attempt to maintain a "happy household..." I just wish she'd used more "tact" when she decided to "drop the BOMB" on me. Also, "in all honesty.." ..the way I reacted was nothing short of immature, disrespectful, and clear evidence that maybe she was correct in freeing herself of this "faux-friendship." ..Then again, it was REALLY fun.. and REALLY likely to happen again!

A couple friends and I got together and wrote a song.. "Every Week.." where we each give a "tell all" rendition of a relationship from the past.. Just to give you an idea of how bad it was.. the chorus goes, "...I Used to [Freak**] Her Ev'ry Week..." (3X) "..and then, I was like.. GOODBYE" ..and the "goodbye" was a sample of the old "AOL" log-off voice..

Even in hindsight, I must say that the song was an absolute BLAST to write.. and in the end, I guess I'd say, "..All's well that ends well."

The moral of the story?? Not only is Pesh "crazy" ..He's also "petty", "selfish", and "vengeful..."

* Totally "fake" fact.
** Not "Freak" but.. "F*#k"

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